Earl Simmons, better known as DMX (Dark Man X), is not a rapper known for his political activism or soulful songs, but at the end of the day he is the one rapper other than Ol' Dirty Bastard and Celph Titled who is guaranteed to make me laugh. Few people realize that the New York MC, driven by his over the top aggressive personality, gravel voice, and comical lyrics is one of the most successful entertainers of all time. He has sold 28 million albums worldwide and is the only artist ever who can claim that their first five albums debuted at #1 (his sixth album missed the top spot by only 100 sales). I personally believe that X makes some of the best workout songs of all time (see "X Gon' Give It To Ya"). Though DMX is on the downslope of his career (maybe the result of a few too many B-movies, maybe the result of his audience no longer being shocked by anything he says), this song, which he leaked this May shows that he can still spit it like the X of old. It's not particularly intelligent, but it's downright funny.
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